Jonathan Baell
Scientific Advisor
Prof. Jonathan Baell, Ph.D is a Larkins Fellow, Co-Director of the Australian Translational Medicinal Chemistry Facility and an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS). He obtained his PhD in 1992 under Professors Peter Andrews and Paul Alewood. Then he obtained a senior position in Australia’s prestigious National Scientific Organisation, CSIRO, where later at the age of 28 he became a Senior Research Scientist. After a decade as Head of Medicinal Chemistry at Australia’s Premier Medical Research Institute, WEHI, he was appointed as a research professor at MIPS, which in 2012 was ranked #6 in the world for Pharmacy and Pharmacology. His interests are in the design of quality HTS libraries, medicinal chemistry hit-to-lead and lead optimization, and computer-aided peptidomimetic design in order to generate compounds with potential therapeutic utility and of value.
He has papers in Nature, Nature Chemical Biology and Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (11) and over 40 granted pharmaceutical patents making key contributions to a number of compounds in various stages of development. In 2005 he was awarded the 2004 Biota Medal, a National Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry for an early to mid-career researcher.